President Muhammadu Buhari commiserated with the Yoruba nation over the passing of the founder of Oodua Peoples Congress, Dr Frederick Fasehun.

President Muhammadu Buhari has commiserated with the Yoruba nation over the passing of the founder of Oodua Peoples Congress, Dr Frederick Fasehun.

The President, in a condolence message by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr Femi Adesina, in Abuja on Saturday, also condoled with the family of the medical practitioner and the government and people of Ondo State.

President Buhari recalled the prominent role Fasehun played as a member of the defunct National Democratic Coalition which campaigned against military rule in the country.

The President prayed that Almighty God would comfort all those the octogenarian left behind and grant peace to his soul.

Fasehun, aged 83, died around 1am, Saturday at the intensive care unit of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital Ikeja.

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