Pre-politicalization of Eleniyan
Politicalization of Eleniyan
Post-politicalization of Eleniyan


Pre-politicalization of Eleniyan
Politicalization of Eleniyan
Post-politicalization of Eleniyan

Hon Ibirogba Babatunde Eleniyan is a political charlatan and a deep-seated mountebank! He forgot so soon that power is liken to riding a tiger. If one is not careful when coming down such persons would find himself in the tigers belly….

We shall be exploring and discussing the prospective and perspectives of electorates and political thinkers before and after he emerged as their chosen representative and how he fails, betrayed and violates pledges made when he was at the vanguard of attaining political intents.

PRE POLITICALIZATION: Hon. Ibirogba Babatunde Eleniyan is one of the most loved impending politician in his constituency because of his feign simplicity, probity, sincerity, sagacity, astuteness, canniness and political acumen . He appeared to everyone just as “renaissance man” and political messiah, we all believe it was a new dawn in the politics of Egbedore, his existence and awareness silenced other corrival, he politically dragged other contestants to coma and torpor, none of them exist, to the extent that i almost believed he has no challenger from other Parties. Although I’m not a dweller of State of Osun, but I got to know him through one of the respected and iconic Osun social media guru Hon Adabanija Qomarudeen Idowu’s Facebook page who on his daily basis advertise him to general masess. Eleniyan got the credibility through former Governor Abdulra’uf Adesoji Aregbesola and other political leaders in the constituency, as at then I doubt if he has any close connection or relationship with former chief of staff “former governor Oyetola”during Ogbeni administration . He was loved by infants, adults and old ones in his constituency. Multitudes believes his aftermath would bring inter- and intra- development, growth, progress and transformation across the astra territorial piazzas.
He got endorsed by all APC leaders in Egbedore and of which their impacts and elbow grease contributed immensely to his emergence as an authentic legislator.

POLITICALIZATION: Après to when he assumed office as an electorally and authenticity legislator, as many were expecting good and quality representation, our very own Hon. Ibirogba was busy learning grammatical toxicity to be used in tormenting the Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobian and anyone that may wants to dare his leadership styles. Leadership is leading and a good leader is recognized not only by leading but also by the systematic methodology adopt in curbing filthy and unpleasant experience in the service to humanity, our own paladin Can’t manage to make peace or settle common rifts among aggrieved party members, he’ll instead help water seed of discord. The greatest of all qualities of a real politician is “DIPLOMACY” but our own ill gotten legislator isn’t diplomatic, he’s currently swimming in the pool of dissension with most party members, thinking it was his might and power that produce him to the position. He turned back against most of the leaders and party loyalists who helped him to archive his political goals, describing them as extraneous and placing himself above them, ascribing himself as the political almighty in the constituency, he fails to accept the fact that power is like a revolving door, the same way he comes in through it, he’ll go out through it. He’s made to be a falcon and he can’t even catch an ordinary chicken. What’s the essence of having someone from our town as honorable representing our constituency yet his performance is poor. As a political analyst and catalyst, the 2019 statistics favored him because the party was then in oneness and unity conditions, and which is the key factor to his success. In lieu of him to maintain such existing legacies and further strengthen party’s unification and orchestration, he chooses to remain reticent and closemouthed about the party’s hurly burly and expecting unprecedented miracles to happen in the coming elections. The truth is that you can’t reap where you did not sow and you can’t expect those you disappointed ever be by your side. Permit me to ask this brilliant question and I’ll be immensely glad if anyone could feed me with unbiased answers. Ever since he assumed office as lawmaker, has any opposition members decamp to APC in his hometown or anywhere across the local government? But I knew of countless APC that has decamped to other opposition parties in his town and even from his ward. How could someone who was unable to win his local government to his governor wins for himself? This is just like a poor person who’s promising to enrich his friends. Who’s deceiving who?.
This is politics and not personal own business, you can’t be treating people the way you treats your employee, in politics, people are like customers in “business department” and if you don’t treat them well, or you do not have social interactions, they may never patronize you again, you’ll loose them to a more serious business man. That’s exactly how it is in politics. I repeat, no miracle, no amount of money, no amount of tactical tactics can have him back to power. As a progressivist who’s truly after progressivism, I did all I could within my power at the incipience of the havoc but he didn’t count on my words then I remember this popular apothegm that “A dog destined to be lost does not hear the hunter’s whistle”.

POST POLITICALIZATION: His post politicalization will be published after the election and that will be my final missive on this blue platform about Hon Ibirogba Babatunde Eleniyan….


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