Northern Pasuma Fan Club (PFC) sympathize with Alhaji Wasiu Alabi Pasuma over mother’s death.


Pasuma Fans Club, Northern Forum has sympathise with Alhaji Wasiu Alabi Odetola Pasuma on the lose of his mother, Alhaja Adijat Odetola.
In a statement released by the forum in Kaduna on Friday, the forum described Alhaja Kadijat Odetola as an epitome of a good mother. The forum said, everybody around Pasuma will miss her motherly role.
While condoling with her Principal, the forum urged him to take solace in the fact that, Mama lives a life of service to God and humanity.
“The death of mama is not only shocking but painful, coming when we needed the counsel of mama the most, but we take solace in the fact that mama died a fulfilled mother” the forum said.

The forum, said, the death of mama during the holy month of Ramadan is a testament that Allah is pleased with her return.

“As much as this is a bitter pill to swallow, the death of mama during the holy month of Ramadan is a testament that, Allah is pleased with her return ” the statement added.
The Forum urged Pasuma, not to be weigh down, saying mama has ran a good race while she was alive. “All of us can attest to the close relationship between Alhaja and our boss, but we will all go back to our maker one day, mama lived a fulfilled life, we urged our principal to cheer up as this is the will of Allah”
Alhaja Kadija, died on Thursday, the 6th of April 2023 at ripe age.

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