Easter: Ogunkanmi Calls For Steadfastness, Brotherly Love and Prayers To Battle COVID-19

Easter: Ogunkanmi Calls For Steadfastness, Brotherly Love and Prayers To Battle COVID-19

The Deputy Chief Whip, Osun State House of Assembly, Hon. Gbenga Ogunkanmi has, felicitated with Christian faithfuls across the country on the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, charging them to hold on to the ideals of unity, tolerance and love.

Hon.Ogunkanmi, in his Easter message tasked Christians to show love to people around them especially as the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic for a better society.

Hon. Gbenga Ogunkanmi who represents Ayedire state constituency in the parliament said Jesus Christ lived and died to teaching lessons on showing undiluted love to one another especially the less privileged in the society in periods like this.

The lawmaker urged them to use the Easter season to pray for divine healing as nations across the globe battle the ravaging Coronavirus.

According to him “Easter in these extraordinary times presents a fresh hope that our sacrifice will lead to a better future and put an end to the global health crisis.”

He admonished Osun residents to work in the spirit of togetherness in the interest of the state and obey government lockdown directives to curb the spread of the deadly COVID-19.

According to the Lawmaker, “Christians should use this season to reflect on their individual and collective roles towards using unity and love to promote peace and tranquility in Nigeria.”

”I admonish Christians to be guided by the ideals and virtues that the Jesus Christ lived and died for, in their lives and conduct.”

“The celebration is not only about watching an Easter parade or merriment, but surely promises us renewed hope, happiness and prosperity. Let’s share whatever we have with the less privileged around us.”

“We should isolate and protect ourselves by washing our hands regularly or using hand sanitizer regularly as well as ensuring social distancing.”

He however commended Christians on a low key Easther celebration this year, urging them to accept this moment as part of the sacrifice to save the world.”

The death & resurrection of Jesus Christ should typify love & tolerance. Happy Easter

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