How God used Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola for my spiritual upliftment. (Part One)


GOD has been the Almightiness behind my repentance from sexual immorality which constituted the greatest affliction from which I suffered, especially during my childhood days, and which details are contained in this book :” THE EXCELLENCY OF KNOWING HIM. “
He has used Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, when he was the Governor , ( as a vessel of honor in view of the fact that my spiritual contact with him strengthened my long-drawn resolve to live a life of chastity and obedience to God.
I am used to one conviction in my life and it is christened: ” Christ, a-head of my Crises .” This conviction is ever true in my Christian life. How ? I have discovered that God often , out of mercy , sent helping hand to me , either to forewarn me( a-head ) of impending danger or provide escape route from any approaching cataclysm .
This is where exactly Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola has come as a vessel of honor whom God , in 2017 , used for me as a direct escape route from impending danger. He came as an answer to my prayer and a helping hand to consolidate my spiritual resolve to lead a life free from sexual encumberance.
Ironically, this was after some years in which I had opposed him and his government , doing my job as one of his arch critics.
As far back as 2001, I had withdrawn from all form of sexual immoralities but my meeting Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola helped me to renew my commitment to the abstinence.
It all happened in 2017 when I was appointed by the Yoruba Students Association In Egypt YOSTANEG as its Media Consultant . The executives of the association had flown into Nigeria from Cairo, wanting to meet Governor Rauf Aregbesola.
Knowing the general attitude of politicians and civilian Governors to people who are their critics , I was not expecting any good reception from him , especially as I was billed to lead the team to his office. Characteristic of my spiritual training to pray before I embark on any professional assignment , I went on my knees to seek the face of the Lord to assist us in this mission.
I got a pleasant surprise when the Lord brought me to the remembrance of an occasion in which He had asked my team of prophets to intercede in prayers for Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola in 2006 when we had never in life seen him face to face.
It was during the period of the hijirah 2017 that we however met one on one for the first time , and in appreciating God Almighty for ensuring the success of our mission, I was divinely inspired to enter into a vow , which the Yoruba Bible translation rightly translated as ” Ileri ife” , being the pledge or the promise of Love ” to God Almighty.
It was on that day the Lord led me from deep inspiration to enter into a vow of chastity to consolidate my spiritual journey. It may not have readily meant much to me then , except that I realised that a vow is sacrosanct , but it was thereafter that I sensed that it was a kind of “Christ a-head-of -my -crises ” vow, intended by God to save me from impending danger and provide escape route from the usual afflictions that had dogged my steps in life.
No sooner I entered into the vow of renewed chastity in which I had since 2001 promised never to engage in sexual immoralities than different temptations such that I had never witnessed began to haunt me left, right and center. In fact, if it were not for the sacredness of the vow that had bound me , I could have not only returned to my old vomit but could have continued to wallow in it .
Almost a year after the vow, I came face to face with a book written by Kola Olabisi in which I read that Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola was never a womanizer and that he is a faithful husband of one wife . It really impressed me that God has chosen the right vessel for His use .


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